Σάββατο 22 Μαΐου 2021




Μέρος 3ον


β. Διαχρονικοί διεκδικητές του Ιουδαϊκού Μεσσιανικού τίτλου (Jewish Messianic title claimants, through the centuries) [Συνέχεια 2ου μέρους]

8/. 13ος αιών

· Nissim ben Abraham (?)

Ένας ακόμη ψευδοπροφήτης ο οποίος «επροφήτευσε» ότι η τελευταία ημέρα του 4ου μηνός Tammuz του 1295, θα ήταν η ημέρα ελεύσεως του Μεσσία του λαού Ισραήλ..Όταν η προφητεία του δεν εκπληρώθηκε, οι οπαδοί του απογοητεύθηκαν και μερικοί από αυτούς μετεστράφησαν και ασπάστηκαν τον «Χριστιανισμόν» (παπισμόν).

O ραββίνος Solomon ben Adret είχε εκφράσει αμφιβολίες για τις …προφητικές ικανότητες του Nissim και είχε προτρέψει να γίνει προσεκτική έρευνα για το θέμα.

Nissim ben Abraham, a Jewish visionary who was active in the Castilian town of Avila, also declared himself to be a prophet. His followers held that, although he was illiterate, an angel had infused him with sufficient wisdom and inspiration to write a mystical book, The Wonder of Wisdom with a commentary thereon. The community of Avila addressed Solomon ben Adret, who began an investigation of the case and finally came to reprove Nissim ben Abraham for having proclaimed himself to be a prophet and a forerunner of the Messiah.

Despite this, Nissim continued to preach and set the date of the arrival of the Messiah at the fourth month, Tammuz, 1295, (July-August 1295). Those who believed him fasted to prepare for the day ordained and sold all their belongings. Instead of finding the Messiah, some saw on their garments little crosses, perhaps pinned on by unbelievers to ridicule the movement.

The Messiah, however, did not appear and the chronicles state that Nissim’s disillusioned followers became converted to Christianity. Nothing is known of what became of Nissim himself.1

9/. 15ος -16oς αιών

·Moses Botarel of Cisneros (?), active around 1413.

Ενεφανίσθη στο προσκήνιο με μεσσιανικές αξιώσεις. Ισχυρίζετο πως ήταν μάγος και είχε την ικανότητα να αποκρυπτογραφήσει και συνδυάσει τα διάφορα ονόματα του Θεού.

After the lapse of a century another claimant came forward with Messianic pretensions. According to H. Grätz (l.c. viii. 404), identified as Moses Botarel. He claimed to be a sorcerer able to combine the names of God.

·Asher Lämmlein, Asher Kay (Käei)(?).

Αυτοαπεκαλείτο ως ο πρόδρομος του αναμενομένου Μεσσία. Ήταν ιουδαϊκής καταγωγής, εμφανισθείς στην περιοχή της Ιστρίας πλησίον της Βενετίας το 1502, αναγγέλλοντας ότι εάν οι Ιουδαίοι μετανοούσαν και επεδείκνυαν φιλανθρωπία, τότε ο Μεσσίας θα ερχόταν εντός έξη (6) μηνών και θα παρελάμβανε τον ιουδαϊκόν λαόν της ξενιτιάς μέσα σε ένα σύννεφο και καπνό και θα τον μετέφερε στην Ιερουσαλήμ..

Υπακούοντας στα κηρύγματά του, οι Ιουδαίοι της περιοχής άρχισαν να νηστεύουν, να προσεύχονται και να κάνουν ελεημοσύνες, προπαρασκευαζόμενοι για τον ερχομό του….Μεσσία, ενώ ονόμασαν το έτος της υποτιθέμενης Ελεύσεώς του, ως «έτος μετανοίας». Ωστόσο κατά το «έτος της μετανοίας»  ο Lammlein πέθανε ή εξαφανίστηκε.

Asher Lämmlein was a Jew who appeared in Istria, near Venice, in 1502 proclaiming himself a forerunner of the Jewish Messiah, appeared in Istria, near Venice in 1502, His place of birth is unknown, but his nicknames Ashkenazi and Reutlingen indicate that he or his family originally came from Germany. Notably, Lämmlein was mentioned by James Joyce in Ulysses. He announced that if the Jews would be penitent and practice charity the Messiah would come within half a year, and a pillar of cloud and of smoke would precede the Jews on their return to Jerusalem. He found believers in Italy and Germany, even among some Christians.

In obedience to his preaching, people fasted and prayed and gave alms to prepare for the coming of the Messiah, so that the year came to be known as the "year of penitence." However, by the end of the year of penitence, Lammlein had either died or disappeared.

·David Reubeni (1490–1535/1541?)

Ο  David Reubeni ήταν ένας Ιουδαίος πολιτικός ακτιβιστής, περιγραφόμενος από την Ιουδαϊκή Εγκυκλοπαίδεια Shengold, ως ένας «ημι-μυστικιστής» και «ημι-τυχοδιώκτης». Αν και μερικοί ερευνητές διστάζουν να πιστέψουν στους ισχυρισμούς του Reubeni περί των τίτλων ευγενείας που διετείνετο ότι κατείχε, τον Νοέμβριον του 1525 ο Reubeni έγινε δεκτός σε ακρόαση από τον νεαρό βασιλιά της Πορτογαλίας John (João) of Portugal, έχοντας μάλιστα και μία συστατική επιστολή από τον Πάπα Clement VII..

Έκανε πολλά ταξίδια στην Πορτογαλία, Ιταλία, Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία, ισχυριζόμενος ότι ήταν πρεσβευτής και αδελφός του βασιλιά της Khaibar, μιας πόλεως στην Αραβία, υποστηρίζοντας ότι σ’ εκείνη την περιοχή κατοικούσαν οι απόγονοι των χαμένων φυλών του Ισραήλ, Ρουβήν και Γαδ και ότι είχε ως αποστολή, να εξασφαλίσει όπλα και κανόνια για να κάνει πόλεμο κατά των Μουσουλμάνων..

Η αξιοπιστία που απέκτησε μετά την επίσκεψή του στην αυλή του Πάπα το 1524, η υποδοχή που του έγινε από την Πορτογαλική αυλή και το γεγονός ότι έπαυσαν, έστω και προσωρινά, οι διώξεις των Ιουδαίων Marranos κατά την εκεί παραμονή του, είχαν ως αποτέλεσμα, οι Ισπανοί Marranos να πιστέψουν ότι ο Reuveni ήταν πρόδρομος του αναμενομένου Μεσσία.

David Reubeni was a Jewish political activist, described by the Shengold Jewish Encyclopedia as "half-mystic, half-adventurer." Although some scholars are reluctant to believe his claims to nobility, citing suspicions of fraud behind such claims (in spite of Reubeni's unrelenting efforts to make an alliance between Christians and Jews against Muslims by the intermediation of the young king, John (João) of Portugal), in November of 1525 he was nevertheless given an audience with the king, accompanied with a letter of recommendation from Pope Clement VII, and had always insisted that he was the son of a deceased monarch (King Suleiman of Habor), and that he was the Minister of that kingdom's War Department, now governed by his elder brother, King Joseph of Ḥabor.2

Reubeni was an adventurer who travelled in Portugal, Italy, and Turkey. He pretended to be the ambassador and brother of the King of Khaibar, a town and former district of Arabia, in which the descendants of the "lost tribes" of Reuben and Gad were supposed to dwell. He claimed he was sent to the Pope and the powers of Europe to secure cannon and firearms for war against  the Muslims, who prevented the union of the Jews living on the two sides of the Red Sea. He denied expressly that he was a Messiah or a prophet (comp. Fuenn, Keneset Yisrael, p. 256), claiming that he was merely a warrior.

The credence which he found at the papal court in 1524, the reception accorded to him in 1525 at the Portuguese court (whither he came at the invitation of John III, and where he at first received the promise of help), and the temporary cessation of perseccution of the Marranos all gave the Portuguese and Spanish Marranos reason to believe that Reuveni was a forerunner of the Messiah.

Selaya, inquisitor of Badajoz, complained to the King of Portugal that a Jew who had come from the Orient (referring to Reuveni) had filled the Spanish Marranos with the hope that the Messiah would come and lead Israel from all lands back to Israel, and that he had even emboldened them to overt acts.3

·Maiden of Herrera

Ήταν μία δεκαπεντάχρονη κοπέλλα που ισχυρίζετο ότι είχε εκστασιακά οράματα κατά την διάρκεια των οποίων συνωμιλούσε με τον Μεσσία, ο οποίος την ανέβασε στον ουρανό, όπου είδε να κάθονται σε χρυσούς θρόνους, εκείνοι οι οποίοι είχαν καεί στην πυρά (ΣΣ: Καταδικασμένου από την Ιερά εξέταση ως μάγοι, αποκρυφιστές ή αιρετικοί) και της υπεσχέθη ότι επίκειται η επιστροφή του (ΣΣ: Προφανώς εδώ πρόκειται για σφετερισμό της προφητείας για την Δευτέρα παρουσία του Κυρίου και αντιποίηση του Ιησού Χριστού/Έλευση του Θηρίου/Αντιχρίστου=Αντί του Χριστού ).

A spirit of expectancy was aroused by Reuveni's stay in Portugal. In Herrera del Duque, close to Puebla de Alcocer (Badajoz, Extremadura), a Jewish girl of 15 described ecstatic visions in which she spoke with the Messiah, who took her to heaven, where she saw those who had been burned seated on thrones of gold, and who assured her of his imminent return.

She (known only as the Maiden of Herrera) was enthusiastically proclaimed a prophetess, and such was the commotion caused by her alleged visions that the Toledo Inquisition had her promptly arrested.

·Solomon Molcho (1500–1532)

Σε αντίθεση με όσα έλεγε για τον εαυτόν του ο Reuveni, ο Rabbi Solomon Molcho ήταν Ιουδαίος πρώην παπικός, επανελθών στο προηγούμενο θρήσκευμά του (Ταλμουδικός Ιουδαϊσμός). Αφού αυτοανακηρύχθηκε μεσσίας των Εβραίων, ενέσπειρε φρούδες ελπίδες στους Ισπανοεβραίους Marranos4 ότι είχε αποστολή να τους οδηγήσει στην γη τους, το Ισραήλ. Η Ιερά εξέταση του Πάπα όμως, τον απήλλαξε από τους οπαδούς του αλλά και την …μεσσιανική του αποστολή, καίγοντάς τον στην πυρά (1532).

Ο Molcho έγινε αρχιραββίνος ταλμουδιστής και βιβλικός ερμηνευτής σπουδάσας την Καμπάλα πλησίον του φημισμένου Καμπαλιστή Joseph Taitazak. Στην συνέχεια άρχισε τις περιπλανήσεις του στην Ιταλία και την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία, ως κήρυκας του αναμενομένου Μεσσία, χαίρων μεγάλης υπολήψεως στον κόσμο των Ιουδαίων, «προφητεύοντας» ότι η Βασιλεία του Μεσσία θα ερχόταν το 1535 ή το 1540.

Solomon Molcho (,שלמה מולכוShelomo Molkho), or Molkho, originally Diogo Pires (c. 1500 – 13 December 1532) a former Spanish Catholic Christian who had reverted to Judaism, was a Portuguese Jewish mystic and messiah claimant.. When he met with Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to urge the creation of a Jewish army, the emperor turned him over to the Inquisition and he was burned at the stake.

Nothing is known of Molcho's family or even the exact date of his birth. He was born in Portugal sometime between September 1500 and August 1502, probably to Marrano parents. His original name was Diogo Pires. He held the post of secretary to the High Court of Appeals of his native country. When the Jewish adventurer David Reubeni arrived in 1525 to negotiate with the king, ostensibly on a political mission from some of the ten lost tribes of Israel, Molcho wished to join him, but was rejected. He then circumcised himself, though without thereby gaining Reubeni's favor, and was forced to emigrate.

Molcho became a master Talmudist and biblical exegesist, and then studied the Kabbalah with Joseph Taitazak. He himself inspired Joseph Caro and Sholmo Alkabetz. He then wandered as a preacher through Italy and Othoman Empire and achieved a great reputation and suggested that the Messianic kingdom would come in 1535 or 1540. Returning to Italy, he was opposed by prominent Jews including Jacob Mantino benSamuel, who feared that he might cause unrest among the Jews. He was given an audience before Pope Clement VII and gained his favor, as well as that of some Judeophile cardinals at Rome. He warned the Pope to leave Rome as the city would soon be flooded and he sent a message to the king of Portugal warning of an imminent earthquake. The occurrence of a deadly flood on October 8, 1530, and an earthquake in Lisbon on January 26, 1531, raised Molcho's reputation among the religious and political authorities.

In company with David Reubeni, his mentor, he went in 1532 to Ratisbon, where the emperor Charles V was holding a diet. On this occasion, Molcho carried a flag with the Hebrew word Maccabi, the four letters מכבי which also signify an abbreviation for Exodus 15:11 "Who among the mighty is like unto God?".

The three met for two hours, and while the exact content of the meeting was not recorded, letters written from the court at the time indicate Molcho proposed the establishment of a joint Jewish-Christian army to fend off the emperor's foreign enemies and, possibly, to reconquer the Holy Land. The emperor had both Molcho and Reubeni arrested and took them back to Italy. In Mantua an ecclesiastical court sentenced Molcho to death by fire. Molcho was taken to the stake in November or December 1532. His mentor, David Reubeni, was exiled to Spain, where later he died.

10/. 17ος αιών

·Σαμπατάϊ Σεβή/Shabbtai Zvi (alternative spellings: Shabbetai, Sabbetai, Shabbesai; Zvi, Tzvi) [b. at Smyrna 1626; d. at Dulcigno (present day Ulcinj, 1676].

O Shabbtai Zvi ήταν υιός μεσίτου Αγγλικού εμπορικού οίκου στην Σμύρνη, γεννηθείς το 1626 και εκπαιδευθείς στα σχολεία της εκεί Ιουδαϊκής κοινότητος, είναι ιδρυτής μυστικής θρησκευτικής Εταιρείας.. Ο Shabbtai Zvi, ο «ψευτο-Μεσσίας» (1626-1687), γεννήθηκε από Σεφαραδίτη πατέρα και μητέρα Ασκενάζι, ήταν μαθητής στην διδασκαλία του Ταλμούδ και χειροτονήθηκε ραββίνος στα μέσα της εφηβείας του. Συνέχισε τις σπουδές του και έγινε δάσκαλος στην αποκρυφιστική Καμπάλα και στον Ιουδαϊκό μυστικισμό. Η ρητορική του ήταν συναρπαστική, σύντομα απέκτησε έναν ακόλουθο και άρχισε να αυτοπροβάλλεται ως ο προφητευμένος στις σελίδες της Βίβλου, Μεσσίας!!! Αυτή η βλασφημία, τον ανάγκασε να αποβληθεί από διάφορες συναγωγές.

Ανέλαβε το προσωπικό ενός προσκυνητή και με μερικούς οπαδούς περιπλανιόταν στην Μέση Ανατολή, συγκεντρώνοντας πολλούς στο μεσσιανικό κήρυγμά του. Στην Γάζα έγινε δεκτός από το ραββίνο Nathan, ο οποίος για χρόνια κήρυττε ότι η άφιξη του Μεσσία ήταν επικείμενη. Αυτός ο συνδυασμός οδήγησε σε ένα μεγάλο ξέσπασμα της πίστεως στον Shabbtai Zvi, ως Μεσσία. Η είδηση διαδόθηκε σε όλο τον Ιουδαϊκό κόσμο, από την Πολωνία, το Άμστερνταμ, την Γερμανία, το Λονδίνο, την Περσία, την Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία ως την Υεμένη. Πλήθος εντάχθηκε στα κλιμάκιά του - μορφωμένοι ραββίνοι, αγράμματοι, πλούσιοι και φτωχοί παρασύρθηκαν σε κατάσταση μαζικής υστερίας.

Όλοι οι εξωτερικοί θρησκευτικοί περιορισμοί του Ιουδαϊσμού ανετράπησαν. Το απαγορευμένο ενθαρρύνθηκε και οι εντολές της Torah αντικαταστάθηκαν από τις 18 (chai) εντολές του Shabbtai. Αυτό οδήγησε σε γλέντια σε ημέρες νηστείας, σεξουαλικές σχέσεις κάποιου με άλλες πέρα από την σύζυγό του, και πολλά άλλα.

Το σημαντικό σημείο ήταν το 1665-1666, όταν ο Shabbtai με τους οπαδούς του κατευθύνθηκε προς το παλάτι του Σουλτάνου, περιμένοντας να τον υποδεχτεί ως Μεσσία. Αυτό βέβαια δεν συνέβη...διότι εκεί  δόθηκε η επιλογή στον Shabbtai «να ασπαστεί το Ισλάμ ή να πεθάνει».  Προς απογοήτευση των οπαδών του, επέλεξε την αλλαξοπιστία, δηλαδή την μεταστροφή του στον ισλαμισμό.

Οι περισσότεροι από τους οπαδούς του, επέστρεψαν στις πατρίδες τους, όπου μετά από μετάνοια και μερικές φορές μαστίγωμα, έγιναν δεκτοί στις συναγωγές. Ωστόσο, μερικές εκατοντάδες οικογένειες από τον εσωτερικό κύκλο του, θεώρησαν την αποστασία του ως μέρος του συνολικού σχεδίου του να επιτύχει το «βάθος» πριν από την ολοκλήρωση της λυτρώσεως.

Και αυτοί προσηλυτίστηκαν στο Ισλάμ, αν και για περίπου 200 χρόνια έζησαν ως μουσουλμάνοι, αλλά κρυφά μετέφεραν τις σχεδόν μυστικές Ιουδαϊκές Shabbatean πεποιθήσεις και πρακτικές τους, στα παιδιά τους. Συνέχισαν να μαθαίνουν και να προσεύχεται στα εβραϊκά και στα Λαντίνο. Με την πάροδο των γενεών, η γνώση της Ιουδαϊκής γλώσσας μειώθηκε στην απαγγελία ορισμένων προσευχών και εκφράσεων από μνήμης, με ελάχιστα κατανοητά εβραϊκά. Ήταν γνωστοί στην τουρκική ως Doenmeh (dönmeh), που σημαίνει «αποστάτες»

Για τους Ιουδαίους ήταν Minim, δηλαδή «αιρετικοί», ενώ οι ίδιοι αναφέρονταν στους εαυτούς τους ως Ma'aminim, δηλαδή οι «Πιστοί».

Sabbatai Zevi was an Ottoman Jew, who claimed to be the Messiah, but then converted to Islam. He created one of the most important messianic movements, and whose influence was widespread throughout Jewry.. His influence is felt even today and his followers called Dönmehs . After his death, Sabbatai was followed by a line of putative followers who declared themselves Messiahs and are sometimes grouped as the "Sabbethaian Messiahs".5

· Barukhia Russo (1695–1740, Osman Baba), διάδοχος του Sabbatai Zevi.

· Mordecai Mokia of Eisenstadt (1650–1729), ("the Rebuker" /Ο κατήγορος / επιπλήττων).

Ισχυρίζετο ότι ο ίδιος ήταν ο πραγματικός Μεσσίας όλων των Ιουδαίων  (Davidic Messiah) και όχι ο Shabbethai, που ήταν Ephraitic Messiah (Πρόδρομος του Μεσσία)6 και του οποίου ήταν η μετεμψύχωση, επειδή ήταν πτωχός σε αντίθεση με τον Shabbethai, που ήταν πλούσιος και ως εκ τούτου δεν μπορούσε να λυτρώσει τον λαό Ισραήλ.

Another follower of Shabbethai who remained faithful to him, Mordecai Mokiaḥ ("the Rebuker") of Eisenstadt, also pretended to be a Messiah. His period of activity was from 1678 to 1682 or 1683. He preached at first that Shabbethai was the true Messiah, that his conversion was for mystic reasons necessary, that he did not die but would reveal himself within three years after his supposed death, and pointed to the persecution of the Jews in Oran (by Spain), in Austria, and in France, and to the pestilence in Germany as prognostications of his coming. He found a following among Hungarian, Moravian, and Bohemian Jews. Going a step further, he declared that he was the Davidic Messiah.

According to him, Shabbethai, was only the Ephraitic Messiah and was furthermore rich, and therefore could not accomplish the redemption of Israel. He (Mordecai), being poor, was the real Messiah and at the same time the incarnation of the soul of the Ephraitic Messiah. Italian Jews heard of him and invited him to Italy. He went there about 1680, and received a warm welcome in Reggio and Modena. He spoke of Messianic preparations, which he had to make in Rome, and hinted at having perhaps to adopt Christianity outwardly. Denounced to the Inquisition, or advised to leave Italy, he returned to Bohemia, and then went to Poland, where he is said to have become insane. From his time a sect began to form there, which still existed at the beginning of the Mendelssohnian era.

·Jacob Querido (died 1690)

Ήταν υιός του Joseph Filosof, και αδελφός της πέμπτης γυναίκας του Sabbatai, γενόμενος αρχηγός των Shabbethaians στην Θεσσαλονίκη. Εθεωρείτο από τους οπαδούς του ως μία νέα μετενσάρκωση του  Shabbethai.

Son of Joseph Filosof, and brother of the fourth wife of Sabbatai, became the head of the Shabbethaians in Salonica, being regarded by them as the new incarnation of Shabbethai. He pretended to be Shabbethai's son and adopted the name Jacob Tzvi. With 400 followers converted to Islam about 1687, forming a sect called the Dönmeh. He himself even made a pilgrimage to Mecca (c. 1690). After his death during the pilgrimage his son Berechiah or Berokia succeeded him (c. 1695–1740).

·Miguel (Abraham) Cardoso (1630–1706),

Γεννημένος από γονείς Maranos εμυήθη στο κίνημα των Shabbethaians από τον Moses Pinherio στην  Leghorn. Αργότερα ισχυρίστηκε ότι είναι προφήτης του Μεσσία και όταν ο τελευταίος (Shabbethai), που τον θεωρούσε Μεσσία, ασπάστηκε το Ισλάμ, δικαιολόγησε την προδοσία λέγοντας πως ήταν αναγκαίον για τον Μεσσία να λογισθεί μεταξύ των αμαρτωλών, ώστε να εξιλεωθεί ο λαός Ισραήλ!!!!

Αργότερα ανεκήρυξε τον εαυτόν του ως Μεσσία, υποστηρίζοντας πως έφερε σημάδια στο σώμα του που το…επιβεβαίωναν!!!

Born of Marano parents, may have been initiated into the Shabbethaian movement by Moses Pinherio in Leghorn. He became a prophet of the Messiah, and when the latter embraced Islam he justified this treason, saying that it was necessary for the Messiah to be reckoned among the sinners in order to atone for Israel's idolatry. He applied Isa. liii. to Shabbethai, and sent out epistles to prove that Shabbethai was the true Messiah, and he even suffered persecution for advocating his cause. Later he considered himself as the Ephraitic Messiah, asserting that he had marks on his body, which were proof of this. He preached and wrote of the speedy coming of the Messiah, fixing different dates until his death (see Cardoso, Miguel).

· Löbele Prossnitz (Joseph ben Jacob) (?–1750) [early 18th century].

Εδίδασκε ότι ο Θεός είχε αποφασίσει να δώσει την παγκόσμια κυριαρχία στον «μόνον ευλαβή», που είχε εντρυφήσει σε βάθος στις αλήθειες της Καμπάλα.Τέτοιος αντιπρόσωπος του θεού στην γη ήταν ο Shabbethai, του οποίου η ψυχή είχε εισέλθει στο σώμα άλλων ευλαβών, όπως ο Jonathan Eybeschütz και ό ίδιος.

He taught that God had given dominion of the world to the "pious one," i.e., the one who had entered into the depths of Kabbalah. Such a representative of God had been Shabbethai, whose soul had passed into other "pious" men, into Jonathan Eybeschütz and into himself.

Another, Isaiah Hasid (a brother-in-law of the Shabbethaian Judah Hasid), who lived in Mannheim, secretly claimed to be the resurrected Messiah, although publicly he had abjured Shabbethaian beliefs. He was a proven fraud who nevertheless attained some following amongst former followers of Sabbatai, calling himself the "Messiah ben Joseph."

11/. 18ος αιών

· Jacob Joseoh Frank (born 1726 in Podolia, died 1791).

Iδρυτής του κινήματος του Φρανκισμού. Ισχυρίζετο ότι ήταν ο Μεσσίας και η μετενσάρκωση του βασιλέως Δαβίδ και του πατριάρχου Ιωσήφ.  ‘Εχοντας αποκτήσει κάποιους οπαδούς μεταξύ των Οθωμανών και Βλάχων Εβραίων, ήλθε το 1755 στην  Podolia, όπου υπήρχαν αρκετοί Shabbethaians που είχαν την ανάγκη ενός αρχηγού, και συστήθηκε σ’αυτούς ως η μετενσάρκωση του  Βαραχία ή Βερεχία (Berechiah).7Οι οπαδοί του ισχυρίζονταν ότι έκανε θαύματα. Ουσιαστικώς όμως ο κύριος στόχος του ήταν ο απογαλακτισμός των Ιουδαίων από τον Ραββινικό Ιουδαϊσμό.

Εξαναγκάστηκε να εγκαταλείψει την Podolia και οι οπαδοί του υπέστησαν διώξεις. Επιστέφοντας το 1759, συμβούλεψε τους οπαδούς του να ασπαστούν τον Χριστιανισμό. Ο ίδιος «ασπάστηκε» τον Παπισμό στην Βαρσοβία τον Νοέμβριο του 1759.     

The founder of the Frankist movement, also claimed to be the messiah. In his youth he made contact with the Dönmeh. He taught that he was a reincarnation of King David and the Patriarch Joseph. Having secured a following among some Ottoman and Wallahian Jews, he came in 1755 to Podolia, where the Shabbethaians were in need of a leader, and revealed himself to them as the reincarnation of the soul of Berechiah. He laid stress on the idea of the "holy king" who was at the same time Messiah, and he accordingly called himself santo señor ("holy lord"). His followers claimed he performed miracles; and they even prayed to him. His purpose, as well as that of his sect, was to uproot rabbinic Judaism.

He was forced to leave Podolia; and his followers were persecuted. Returning in 1759, he advised his followers to embrace Christianity, and about 1,000 converted and became Polish gentry of Jewish origins. He himself converted in Warsaw in November 1759. But he ran afoul of the Catholic Church and for a time was imprisoned for heresy. However, even in prison he remained the head of his sect.

· Eve Frank (1754–1816/1817)

She was the daughter of Jacob Frank. In 1770 Eve was declared to be the incarnation of the Shekinah, the female aspect of God, as well as the reincarnation of the Virgin Mary and thus became the object of a devotional subcult herself in Częstochowa, with some followers keeping small statues of her in their homes.] Historian Jerry Rabow sees her as the only woman to have been declared a Jewish messiah.

12/. 19ος αιών

·Shukr Kuhayil I, 19th-century Yemenite Messiah candidate.

·Juda ben Shalom (Shukr Kuhayl II), 19th-century Yemenite Messiah candidate.

13/. 20ος-21ος αιών

·Moses Guibbory (1899–1985) 8

·Yosef Yitzchak Schneerson (1880 – 1950),

O έκτος rebbe (πνευματικός ηγέτης) της οργανώσεως Chabad Lubavitch, που ισχυρίζετο ότι είναι ο Μεσσίας και συγκεκριμένα η πεμπτουσία και η ύπαρξη του Θεού που έθεσε την ύπαρξή της σε ένα σώμα !!! «Atzmus u'mehus alein vi er hat zich areingeshtalt in a guf» [Yiddish and English for: "Essence and Existence (of God) which has placed itself in a body"],9 and to be the Messiah.

Yosef Yitzchak (Joseph Isaac) Schneersohn (Yiddish: יוסף יצחק שניאורסאהן‎; 21 June 1880 – 28 January 1950) was an Orthodox rabbi and the sixth Rebbe (spiritual leader) of the Chabad Lubavitch Chasidic movement. He is also known as the Frierdiker Rebbe (Yiddish for "Previous Rebbe"), the Rebbe RaYYaTz, or the Rebbe Rayatz (an acronym for Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak). After many years of fighting to keep Orthodox Judaism alive from within the Soviet Union, he was forced to leave; he continued to conduct the struggle from Latvia, and then Poland, and eventually the United States, where he spent the last ten years of his life.

In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson took over the leadership of Chabad and became the next Rebbe of Chabad. When this happened, many stopped declaring Rebbe Schneersohn the Messiah and focused on building out the community under the new Rebbe Schneerson (note: the confusion on names results from the fact that Rebbe Schneerson was the second cousin and son-in-law of Rebbe Schneersohn).

· Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902–1994) 10

O Menachem Mendel Schneerson, γνωστός σε πολλούς ως ο Lubavitcher Rebbe ή απλώς ο  Rebbe, ήταν ένας αμερικανοιουδαίος ραββίνος, γεννηθείς στην Ρωσία, ο πιο πρόσφατος rabbi, της δυναστείας των Lubavitch Hasidic. Θεωρείται ως ένας από τους πλέον σημαίνοντες ιουδαίους θρησκευτικούς ηγέτες του 20ου αιώνος. Κατά την διάρκεια της ζωής του η πίστη ότι ο Schneerson ήταν ο αναμενόμενος Μεσσίας, ήταν αμφιλεγόμενη στους κόλπους των Ιουδαίων.

Είχε πάθος και επιθυμούσε να διατηρεί σε εγρήγορση τους Ιουδαίους  και να τους διεγείρει την αντίληψη περί του ερχομού του Μεσσία τους.  

Πολλοί από τους οπαδούς του ακολουθώντας μια σειρά συμβάντων στην ζωή του, άρχισαν να τον αποκαλούν ανοικτά ως Μεσσία. Ο αριθμός όσων επίστευαν κάτι τέτοιο, αυξήθηκε μετά τον θάνατόν του, ενώ δεν ήσαν λίγοι εκείνοι που πίστευαν πως ο  Schneerson δεν είχε πεθάνει!!!

Schneerson had a passion and desire to raise awareness of the coming of the Messiah. During his life, many of his admirers hoped that he would be revealed as the Messiah.11

Following a series of strokes later in his life many of his followers began to openly proclaim him the messiah. This grew in size after his death and by some estimates most of the Chabad movement today has been taken over by the "Messiah Schneerson" movement, including many of the rabbis. Some of his followers believe Schneerson never died. While Schneerson remained vague about such assertions, many of his followers do believe he was the messiah.

Although Schneerson constantly objected to any talk that he could be the Messiah, this notion sparked controversy, particularly among those who were unfamiliar with these traditional teachings. Detractors criticized a children's song with the words "We want moshiach (the messiah) now / We don't want to wait," that Schneerson commended. Since Schneerson's passing, the Messianic movement has largely shrunk, although many followers still believe him to be the Messiah.The Chabad umbrella organization, Agudas Chasidei Chabad, has condemned Messianic behavior, stating that it defies the express wishes of Schneerson.12

Schneerson spoke of the position of the United States as a world superpower, and would praise its foundational values of "E pluribus Unum'—from many one", and "In God We Trust".13

From the 1970s onwards, Rabbi Elazar Shach of the Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak was publicly critical of Schneerson accusing him of creating a cult of crypto-messianism around himself. He objected to his calling upon the Messiah to appear and eventually called for a boycott of Chabad and its institutions. Although the Chabad leader never deigned to respond directly to Shach’s attacks, he did offer strong rebuke for disparaging (religious and non-religious) Jews and for bringing division among them, explaining that “every Jew, regardless of differences and levels of observances, is part of Am Echad,” the unified Jewish people.

Schneerson is recognized for his scholarship and contributions to Talmudic, Halachic, Kabalistic and Chasidic teachings. Joseph B. Soloveitchik, who knew Schneerson from their days in Berlin, and remained in contact once the two men came to America, told his students after visiting Schneerson "the Rebbe has a 'gewaldiger' (awesome) comprehension of the Torah," and «He is a gaon,14  is a great one, he is a leader of Israel.»

Following age-old Jewish tradition that the resting place of a tzadik is holy, Schneerson's gravesite is viewed by many as a holy site and has been described by the Yedioth Ahronoth as "the American Western Wall", where thousands of people, Jews and non-Jews, go to pray each week..Many more send faxes and e-mails with requests for prayers to be read at the gravesite.

· David Mayer de Rothschild (1978-)

Είναι το νεώτερο από τα τρία παιδιά της Victoria Lou Schott (1949 - 18 January 2021) και του Sir Evelyn de Rothschildd (1931-) της γνωστής τραπεζικής οικογένειας των Rothschild της Αγγλίας. Το μεσαίο όνομα "Mayer" έχει ληφθεί από το όνομα του ιδρυτή της Rothschild αυτοκρατορίας, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.

Σπούδασε στο πανεπιστήμιο Oxford Brookes, Πολιτικές Επιστήμες και Συστήματα Πληροφορικής, και αργότερα εφοίτησε στο κολλέγιο Φυσικοπαθητικής ιατρικής (Naturopathic Medicine, London), απ’ όπου έλαβε  Δίπλωμα Φυσικής Ιατρικής, ND .

Ο David Mayer de Rothschild, είναι ένας Ιουδαιοβρετανός περιηγητής (Adventurer) και Περιβαλλοντολόγος, επικεφαλής της οικολογικής οργανώσεως «Adventure ecology» (οικολογική εξερεύνηση), που δημιουργήθηκε το 2005, με αποστολή την αύξηση της ευαισθητοποιήσεως για την κλιματική αλλαγή. Το 2011 έλαβε το τιμητικό βραβείο German Sustainability Award. (Για τα επιτεύγματά του στην βιωσιμότητα οικολογικών θεμάτων).

Λόγω της συνεχούς ενασχολήσεώς του με το Περιβάλλον, πολλοί περιβαλλοντολόγοι της Καϊνικής γραμμής από την οποίαν προέρχεται, υποστηρίζουν ότι ο David Mayer de Rothschild, είναι ο προφητευμένος σωτήρας της ανθρωπότητος, που αναφέρεται στην Αποκάλυψη (ΣΣ: Φυσικά όπως την (παρ)ερμημεύουν οι ίδιοι, καθ’όσον άλλοι άνθρωποι τον θεωρούν ως τον Αντίχριστον της Αποκαλύψεως) [Πηγή : Από την ελεύθερη εγκυκλοπαίδεια Βικιπαίδεια, με θέμα : David Mayer de Rothschild]15

· Rabbi Solomon Yehuda Hinoka ή  Izkiahu ben David (1988- )

Oι φανατικοί Ιουδαιοταλμουδιστές Σιωνιστές, οι «ορθόδοξοι Ιουδαίοι» όπως αυτοαποκαλούνται, ισχυρίζονται ότι ο προμνησθείς είναι ο αναμενόμενος «Μεσσίας» τους, έκανε την εμφανισή του στο Ισραήλ στις 27 Μαρτίου 2021, τον οποίον υπεδέχθησαν ενθέρμως!!!!

Kαι το ερώτημα που προκύπτει αμέσως: Είναι όντως ο Rabbi Solomon Yehuda Hinoka ή  Izkiahu ben David ο αναμενόμενος Μεσσίας των σημερινών Ιουδαιοταλμουδιστών;

Ας ακούσουμε την απάντηση που δίδει στο παραπάνω ερώτημα, ένας σύγχρονος Εβραίος ερευνητής, ο Ezdra Monarrez.



1 Salomon ben Adret-Ajuntament de Barcelona, http://www.bcn.cat>dogs> Programa SalomoANG.

2 According to Reubeni's own story this kingdom had 300,000 "Israelite" subjects. The king of Portugal, impressed by the idea, had initially agreed to supply Reubeni with Portuguese arms, but after five months, Reubeni fell into ill-repute with the king of Portugal, who perhaps distrusted his motives, and was asked by the king to leave his kingdom.

3 Comp. Heinrich Grätz, Geschichte der Juden von den ältesten Zeiten bis auf die Gegenwart: l.c. ix. 532).

4 The origin of the term marrano as applied to crypto-Jews is debatable, since there are at least three possible etymologies for the word. The term derives from Arabic مُحَرّمٌ  muharram, meaning "forbidden, anathematized". Also Marrano means "swine" or "pig", from the ritual prohibition against eating pork, practiced by both Jews and Muslims. However, as applied to crypto-Jews, the term marrano may also derive from the Spanish verb "marrar" (of Germanic rather than Arabic origin) meaning "to deviate" or "to err", in the sense that they deviated from their newly adopted faith by secretly continuing to practice Judaism. A third origin has been cited from Galician-Portuguese, where marrar means "to force" and marrano means "forced one", indicating the compulsory nature of the religious conversions. According to José Meir Estrugo Hazán, in his book: 'Los Sefardíes' -The Sephardim-, ISBN 84-8472-034-9, 'marrano' is the term the Spanish Hebrews prefer.

5 Gershom Scholem, Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah: 1626-1676, Routledge Kegan Paul, London, 1973, American Edition, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1973 (hardcover edn.); Gershom Scholem, "Shabbetai Zevi," in Encyclopaedia Judaica, Second Edition, Farmington Hills, Michigan, 2007, vol. 18, pp. 340–359.

6 In Jewish tradition, a person of the line of King David (a "ben yishai" - son of Jesse, father of David) who will return the Jews from exile, rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem and initiate a period of prosperity and peace. In that sense, belief in Messiah was simply belief in restoration of Israel and an end to present troubles.

An "Ephraitic Messiah" - that is a forerunner of the true Messiah, son of David, who foretells the coming of the Messiah. This concept existed in ancient Judaism and the Book of Zerubavel, written in the Middle Ages apparently, tells of a woman, named Hephzibah, who accompanies Messiah ben Joseph into war with the enemies, where he is killed. After his death, she will save Jerusalem in anticipation of her son's, Messiah ben David's, rule. In other traditions, the prophet Elijah will announce the coming of the Messiah.

7 Βαραχίας: Υιός του Αδδώ και πατέρας του προφήτου Ζαχαρία, που κατεδίκασε σε λιθοβολισμό ο έβδομος βασιλεύς του Ιούδα, Ιωάς (873-833) [ΜΑΤΘ: 23/35].

9 Likkutei Sichos, Vol 2, pp. 510-511. [Likkutei Sichos, literally, "Collected Talks" contains both the scope and the core of the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, and is the most authoritative source-text for Schneerson's way of explaining Judaism and the world writ large.

10 As leader of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, he took an insular Hasidic group that transformed it into one of the most influential movements in religious world Jewry, with an international network of over 5,000 educational and social centers. The institutions he established include kindergartens, schools, drug-rehabilitation centers, care-homes for the disabled, and synagogues. On the morning of June 12, 1994 (3 Tammuz 5754), Schneerson died at the Beth Israel Medical Center and was buried at the Ohel next to his father-in-law, Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, at Montefiore Cemetery in Queens, New York. Shortly after Schneerson's death, the executors of his will discovered several notebooks in a drawer in his office, in which Schneerson had written his scholarly thoughts and religious musings from his earliest years. The majority of entries in these journals date between the years 1928 and 1950 and were subsequently published.

11 .Susan Handelman, The Lubavitcher Rebbe Died 20 Years ago Today, Who Was He?, Tablet Magazine.

.Ruth R. Wisse (June 1, 2014), “ The Rebbe, Twenty Years After”, Commentary Magazine

12 The New York Times, Statement From Agudas Chasidei Chabad, Feb 9, 1996.

13 .Menachem M. Schneerson, The Difference Between Faith and Trust. January 15, 1981.

.Menachem M. Schneerson, Americas mandate Energy Independence. April 15, 1981.

14 Gaon, (Hebrew: “excellency”, ) plural Geonim, the title accorded to the Jewish spiritual leaders and scholars who headed Talmudic academies that flourished, with lengthy interruptions, from the 7th to the 13th century in Babylonia and Palestine.

15Can David Mayer de Rothschild save the Earth?

Square Mile .. https:// squaremile.com › Features, Nov.3,2020-


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